Friday 6 November 2009

Reading week (y)

First of all I'd like to say: "Yeaaaahh, blog danya yg baru najong banget - sorrey, mengganggu mood mu dan"

Anyhoo... READING WEEK HAS BEGUN! For me at least. It's basically like a mid-term break, only, it's not a break. You have to work; read mostly. And that's annoying. Reading "Harry Potter" is different from reading "The Age of Extremes: 1914-1994" by Eric Hobsbawm (I sounded so smart having just said that, but really, I only understood 5% of what the gibberish book is saying)
I wonder if Hobsbawm himself knew what he was writing about. Nobody should know more vocabulary than Shakespeare, unless he right-clicked and thesaurus(ed) every word he wrote. If you can get the point across using simpler words, then why bother writing sentences like "Even the cadres of communist parties began to concentrate on the ordinary satisfactions of life once the millennial aim of earthly salvation, to which they had dedicated their lives, moved into an undefined future." [insert reference here]
What...the bloody BLEEP.
That, ladies and gentlemen, was a glimpse of torture. It's a really fun subject, but the reading ain't so fun.
Soo yeah, end of rant :D

Bon soir,

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